View Source erf (erf v0.1.2)

erf is a library that provides a design-first framework to build RESTful APIs in Erlang.



Returns the router for an instance of the server.
Reloads the configuration for an instance of the server.
Starts the supervision tree for an instance of the server.
Stops the supervision tree for an instance of the server.


-type api() :: erf_parser:api().
-type body() :: undefined | njson:t().
-type conf() ::
          #{spec_path := binary(),
            callback := module(),
            port => inet:port_number(),
            name => atom(),
            spec_parser => module(),
            preprocess_middlewares => [module()],
            postprocess_middlewares => [module()],
            ssl => boolean(),
            certfile => binary(),
            keyfile => binary(),
            static_routes => [static_route()],
            swagger_ui => boolean(),
            log_level => logger:level()}.
-type header() :: {binary(), binary()}.
-type method() :: get | post | put | delete | patch | head | options | trace | connect.
-type path_parameter() :: {binary(), binary()}.
-type query_parameter() :: {binary(), binary()}.
-type request() ::
          #{scheme := undefined | binary(),
            host := undefined | binary(),
            port := undefined | 1..65535,
            path := [binary()],
            path_parameters => [path_parameter()],
            method := method(),
            query_parameters := [query_parameter()],
            headers := [header()],
            body := body(),
            peer := undefined | binary(),
            route := binary(),
            context => any()}.
-type response() ::
          {StatusCode :: pos_integer(), Headers :: [header()], Body :: body() | {file, binary()}}.
-type route_patterns() :: [{Route :: binary(), RouteRegEx :: re:mp()}].
-type static_dir() :: {dir, binary()}.
-type static_file() :: {file, binary()}.
-type static_route() :: {Path :: binary(), Resource :: static_file() | static_dir()}.


-spec get_router(Name) -> Result
                        Name :: atom(),
                        Result :: {ok, Router} | {error, Reason},
                        Router :: binary(),
                        Reason :: term().
Returns the router for an instance of the server.
Link to this function

match_route(Name, RawPath)

View Source
-spec match_route(Name, RawPath) -> Result
                         Name :: atom(),
                         RawPath :: binary(),
                         Result :: {ok, Route} | {error, Reason},
                         Route :: binary(),
                         Reason :: term().
-spec reload_conf(Name, Conf) -> Result
                         Name :: atom(),
                         Conf :: erf_conf:t(),
                         Result :: ok | {error, Reason},
                         Reason :: term().
Reloads the configuration for an instance of the server.
-spec start_link(Conf) -> Result
                        Conf :: conf(),
                        Result :: {ok, Pid} | ignore | {error, Reason},
                        Pid :: pid(),
                        Reason :: term().
Starts the supervision tree for an instance of the server.
-spec stop(Name) -> Result when Name :: atom(), Result :: ok | {error, Reason}, Reason :: term().
Stops the supervision tree for an instance of the server.