View Source erf_conf (erf v0.1.2)

erf's configuration manager module.



Clears the configuration for the given Name.
Returns the configuration for the given Name.
Returns the log level for the given Name.
Returns the postprocess middlewares for the given Name.
Returns the preprocess middlewares for the given Name.
Returns the router for the given Name.
Returns the router module name for the given Name.
Sets the configuration for the given Name.


-type t() ::
          #{callback => module(),
            log_level => logger:level(),
            preprocess_middlewares => [module()],
            postprocess_middlewares => [module()],
            router => erl_syntax:syntaxTree(),
            router_mod => module(),
            spec_path => binary(),
            spec_parser => module(),
            static_routes => [erf:static_route()],
            swagger_ui => boolean()}.


-spec clear(Name) -> Result when Name :: atom(), Result :: ok.
Clears the configuration for the given Name.
-spec get(Name) -> Result when Name :: atom(), Result :: {ok, Conf} | {error, not_found}, Conf :: t().
Returns the configuration for the given Name.
-spec log_level(Name) -> Result
                       Name :: atom(),
                       Result :: {ok, LogLevel} | {error, not_found},
                       LogLevel :: logger:level().
Returns the log level for the given Name.
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-spec postprocess_middlewares(Name) -> Result
                                     Name :: atom(),
                                     Result :: {ok, PostprocessMiddlewares} | {error, not_found},
                                     PostprocessMiddlewares :: [module()].
Returns the postprocess middlewares for the given Name.
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-spec preprocess_middlewares(Name) -> Result
                                    Name :: atom(),
                                    Result :: {ok, PreprocessMiddlewares} | {error, not_found},
                                    PreprocessMiddlewares :: [module()].
Returns the preprocess middlewares for the given Name.
-spec router(Name) -> Result
                    Name :: atom(),
                    Result :: {ok, Router} | {error, not_found},
                    Router :: erl_syntax:syntaxTree().
Returns the router for the given Name.
-spec router_mod(Name) -> Result
                        Name :: atom(),
                        Result :: {ok, RouterMod} | {error, not_found},
                        RouterMod :: module().
Returns the router module name for the given Name.
-spec set(Name, Conf) -> Result when Name :: atom(), Conf :: t(), Result :: ok.
Sets the configuration for the given Name.